At Endeavour Medical we believe in our social responsibility to advocate for universal health coverage, equitable education opportunities and gender equality. We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDGs three, four and five: Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education and Gender Equality.
We encourage participants on our courses to consider the importance of Global Health and One Health, and how our actions can have implications worldwide. Our skillset as healthcare professionals should be used to better humanity as a whole.
Profits from our courses are used to fund and deliver first aid training in remote Northern Kenya.
You can learn more about our Global Health and One Health endeavours via our instagram page and newsletters.
Learn more about individual projects here:
Read about our commitments to Global Responsibility here.

We help fund and deliver community health and first aid programmes in Northern Kenya.
Many of the communities we support live in poverty, as defined by the WHO as earning less than $1.25 per day. Their access to healthcare and health education is poor. At the invitation of these communities we support both healthcare projects and health education in the form of first aid training. During the programmes, we run a ‘train the trainer’ day to ensure the knowledge and skills learned can continue to be taught within the communities.
We are delighted that many of our courses are now entirely Kenyan led,
or we enjoy the pleasure of working as an entirely joint faculty.

We enhance gender equality through working with the charity Dharura and the project Team Talk. Team Talk enables social and behavioural change in communities to give a better life for women and girls. We use sport as a vehicle to break down gender barriers, and we work with Kenyan educational specialists to deliver these programmes.
Successes of Team Talk include: more girls reaching the final year of primary school, adaptation of cultural practices such as female circumcision and a shift in perception of the role of women and girls in the community. For more info visit our Team Talk instagram.

Endeavour Medical aims to create a community of health professionals across low-middle income countries (LMICs) and high-income countries (HICs). Together, we can contribute to Global Health and One Health challenges.
If you would like to get more involved in any of our charitable programmes
then please contact us at hello@endeavourmedical.com.