Selva Alta Course



Dartmoor, UK
May 15 - 16, 2025
Cost: £295

Immerse yourself in a two day course in Dartmoor’s own temperate Atlantic rainforest learning about tropical medicine, planetary health and much more.

This course aims to give you an overview of common imported fevers in the UK and will help you to understand the role of the expedition medic in rainforest environments. If you are interested in learning bushcraft skills or if you have found yourself scratching your head trying to understand leishmaniasis or onchocerciasis this is certainly the course for you!

CPD | Logistics | Itinerary

Selva Alta: Tropical Medicine Course

What you will Gain: CPD and beyond

Endeavour courses deliver high-quality teaching in expedition and remote medicine. Teaching is led by experienced professionals in the field. It is immersive, holistic, and flexible to help all attendees meet their personal development goals.

All courses are directly aligned to the professional capabilities set out within UK Foundation Training and postgraduate specialty training curricula. Specifically, all courses cover clinical assessment and prioritisation, address complexity and uncertainty, communication skills, holistic planning, fitness for practice (well-being), ethical and legal principles, health promotion, illness prevention, and leadership.

Endeavour faculty are all familiar with principles of good supervision and training and can complete any work-based assessments undertaken during the course (including CEX and CBD). Reflective practice is also encouraged.

This course offers 10 hours of CPD.

    • 9:30 Meet at Dewerstone Cottage and introductions

    • 10:00 Introduction to being a Tropical Medicine and Forest expedition medic

    • 10:30 Camp chai break

    • 11:30 Forest trek with workshops:

      • Camp administration and bushcraft skills

      • Learn about different larvae, exploring bot flies and more

      • Explore forest navigation, using machetes to carve your own trailblazing routes

      • Explore an old tin mining cave searching for local bat populations. Understand the real habitat of bats and discuss histoplasmosis , lyssa and ebola

      • Explore fungai and their disease manifestations

      • Practice hazardous river crossings, then use your experience to learnabout water borne diseases like schistosomiasis, leptospirosis and guinea worm

      • Explore tick habitats while learning about Lyme disease and helminths

      • Discuss Venomous bites and stings and crucial management

      • Discover ant hills and learn the intricacies of Super-Ant colonies

      • Enjoy a bush lunch

    • 15:00 Camp coffee

    • 15:30 Forest ecosystems

    • 16:30 Hammock demonstration

    • Evening: optional nocturnal insect identification activity

    • 08:00: Bush Breakfast

    • 08:30: Update: Malaria on the medical take

    • 09:00: Take a look: Tropical Eye diseases

    • 09:30: GI diseases in tropical environments

    • 10:00: Camp coffee

    • 10:30: Snake stomp Venomous bites and sting

    • 11:00: Dengue fever and vector borne illnesses

    • 12:00: Bushcraft Lunch

    • 13:00: Live link to Masanga Hospital in Sierra Leone for an introduction to viral hemorrhagic fever

    • 14:00: M-Pox update

    • 14:30: Course round up

    • 15:00: Depart

COURSE itinerary


Dartmoor, UK
15th-16h May 2025
Cost: £295

Spend two days having an overview of common imported fevers in the UK, discover the role of the expedition medic in rainforest environments and learn basic forest bushcraft.

✔ Course Tuition
✔ Meals from morning of the 15th until breakfast on the 16th
✔ Hammocks and / or bunkhouse accommodation (weather dependent)

Not Included:
𝙓 Travel
𝙓 Personal Kit including sleeping bags
𝙓 Alcohol or additional snacks
*Kit list will be provided with joining instructions upon signing up for the course. Hammocks will be provided but please bring your own outdoor clothing and sleeping bags

Dewerstone Cottage, Bunkhouse, Dartmoor
You may arrive on the evening of the 14th but no evening meal will be provided

Nearest railway station: Plymouth