Ubuntu: a quality that includes the essential
human virtues of compassion and humanity
We support the Ubuntu Network, a global Expedition Medicine debriefing community forum, which aims to support adventurers after they’ve been pushed to their limits.
At Endeavour Medical, we love expeditions, but we are also aware of the many challenges that can come with being the medic on a remote trip. The pressure can feel extreme; the difficulty in seeking medical advice from colleagues or organising urgent transfers can be frustrating; it can be challenging to find a place for yourself within your expedition team while maintaining professional boundaries. Expeditions should leave you feeling empowered, not burnt out or feeling unsupported.

Ubuntu Network is a space made for you: to share experiences from your expeditions, collaborate with others working in the field, and connect with the wider expedition community.
Our goal is to stimulate online group discussion that enables you to share your experiences with like minded individuals, providing a constructive space for our community to grow and develop through interactive reflection.
Achieved through:
Quarterly meetings via the MedAll learning platform
Trained facilitation and reflections and learning for future practice
Discussion of a challenging or interesting case brought by a member of the group
Confidential, supportive discussion of the environmental, clinical and human factors that led to decision making of the case

Additional support services available:
Coping after a Traumatic Event (Royal College of Psychiatrists):
Crisis Support Information (Mind):
National NHS England Helpline 24/7
Wellbeing | Health Education England (hee.nhs.uk) 0300 131 7000 (0700 - 2300) or text FRONTLINE to 85258
RCN counselling for registered nurses (members only)
Counselling service | Royal College of Nursing (rcn.org.uk) 0345 772 6100
BMA free counselling and peer support for medical staff and students (members and non-members)
24/7 Counselling and peer support for doctors and medical students (bma.org.uk) 0330 123 1245
Headspace meditation app, free for NHS staff Headspace for NHS
Unmind provides scientifically-backed assessment tools and training to measure
and manage personal mental health needs www.unmind.com
NHS Employers have a list of free apps, resources, training, tools, information, discounts and more https://www.nhsemployers.org/covid19/health-safety-and-wellbeing/support-available-for-nhs-staff
Practitioner Health Programme, a free confidential NHS primary care mental health
and addiction support service for clinicians Practitioner Health
Doctors Support Network provides peers support for doctors and medical student s with mental health concerns
The Doctors' Support Network - Home page (dsn.org.uk)
DocHealth provides confidential psychotherapeutic virtual consultations for all practising doctors in the UK
and is supported by the BMA and the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund DocHealth
NHS Leadership Academy, particularly the bitesize learning section
Leadership Academy – Learning hub: Easy to access learning materials for all NHS staff